Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Myrurgia company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Myrurgia fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Myrurgia company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back your favorite perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Showing posts with label polvos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polvos. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ariadna by Myrurgia c1924

The perfume Ariadna by Myrurgia was launched in 1924, a period marked by the vibrancy and modernity of the Roaring Twenties. This era, known as the "années folles" or "crazy years," was characterized by significant social, artistic, and cultural dynamism. In Spain, the 1920s were a time of relative political stability under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, economic growth, and cultural flourishing. The Spanish art and literary scene was thriving, with figures like Salvador Dalí and Federico García Lorca making their marks. There was a strong sense of modernism and a break from traditional norms, particularly in the urban centers.

The Spanish word "Ariadna" translates to "Ariadne" in English. In Greek mythology, Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and is best known for her role in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and provided him with a thread to navigate the labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur, symbolizing guidance and a path to freedom. After helping Theseus, she was abandoned on the island of Naxos, where she was later found and married by the god Dionysus, becoming a symbol of renewal and divine favor.

Myrurgia's choice of the name "Ariadna" for their perfume likely draws on the rich mythological connotations associated with the character. The name evokes themes of love, adventure, and transformation, all potent and appealing concepts for a perfume. Ariadna, as a name, suggests a journey of self-discovery and the allure of the unknown, aligning with the spirit of the 1920s woman who was exploring new freedoms and identities.
"Ariadna" makes an excellent name for a perfume because it carries an air of mystery, romance, and classical beauty. Women of the 1920s, who were embracing new roles and asserting their independence, would likely find the mythological allusion appealing. The name implies sophistication and depth, qualities that resonate well with the modern woman of that era.

The images and emotions evoked by the word "Ariadna" include the labyrinth of the Minotaur, the strength and cunning of Ariadne, and her eventual divine reward, conjuring a sense of mystery, strength, and femininity. The idea of a guiding thread through a labyrinth can symbolize clarity and direction in a complex world, a comforting and empowering notion for women navigating the rapidly changing society of the 1920s.

As a name for a perfume, "Ariadna" is unique and distinctive, setting it apart from more conventional names. It invites interpretation and engagement, sparking curiosity and an emotional response. The classical reference and the narrative of transformation associated with Ariadne would resonate deeply with women, suggesting a perfume that is both timeless and contemporary, offering a sensory journey as captivating as the myth itself.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hindustan by Myrurgia c1922

In 1922, when Myrurgia launched the perfume "Hindustan," Spain's connection to India was primarily through its colonial history. At the time, Spain held the Philippines as a colony, but it maintained trade connections with India, particularly in textiles and spices. The fascination with the exotic Orient, including India, was prevalent in Europe during this era, influenced by colonial expansion, trade routes, and cultural exchange.

Films with Indian themes did exist in the early 20th century, although they were not as widespread as in later decades. Nevertheless, cultural and artistic representations of India in European media often romanticized and exoticized the country, portraying it as a land of mystique and allure.

Myrurgia likely chose the name "Hindustan" for its perfume to capitalize on this fascination with the exoticism of India. In Spanish, "Hindustan" refers to the historical region of North India, emphasizing its rich cultural heritage and association with spices, textiles, and luxury goods coveted in Europe at the time.

"Hindustan" would make a compelling name for a perfume because it evokes images of opulence, mystery, and sensuality associated with the Orient. For women of the early 20th century, a perfume named "Hindustan" would likely appeal as it promised to transport them to a distant, glamorous world of spices, silks, and exotic beauty.

Women of that time would probably respond positively to "Hindustan" due to its evocative name and luxurious connotations. The imagery of a woman on the packaging wearing harem pants and jeweled attire further reinforces this exotic allure, appealing to fantasies of an Eastern sensibility.

The word "Hindustan" conjures up images of bustling bazaars, intricate fabrics, spices wafting through the air, and perhaps even romanticized visions of palaces and gardens. Emotionally, it suggests adventure, romance, and a touch of the unknown, which would have been highly appealing to consumers seeking escapism and luxury.

Naming a perfume "Hindustan" in 1922 would indeed be unique and intriguing. It would set itself apart from other perfumes by tapping into a trend of Orientalism that was fashionable in European society at the time, yet still retaining an air of exclusivity and sophistication.

The word "Hindustan" would likely be interpreted by consumers as a symbol of luxury, exoticism, and cultural richness from the Indian subcontinent. It would signify not just a fragrance, but an experience—a journey to a faraway land of elegance and allure, encapsulated in a bottle.

In conclusion, "Hindustan" by Myrurgia, launched in 1922, leveraged Spain's colonial connections and Europe's fascination with the Orient. The name, imagery, and cultural context surrounding the perfume would have resonated with women of the era, promising a sensorial journey to the exotic and luxurious world of Hindustan.